Venom Wallet

Download Venom Wallet Extension | Official Website

Venom Wallet is a widely-used self-custodial digital wallet and a browser in one. It connects users to the decentralized web, a new internet, whether you are a personal user or a beginner to Venom blockchain you can easily access it with the wallet. The key objective of this wallet is to make the new decentralized web straightforward and accessible to everyone. Also, with Venom Wallet extension you can buy, sell, transact, and trade their virtual assets. You can transact assets to anyone, anywhere, or sign in to websites to exchange crypto assets, bridge, swap, etc. Furthermore, users can access decentralized websites through in-app browsers and connect with them.  

Features Of Venom Wallet Extension

Venom Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet designed to securely keep and manage digital assets. The features listed below are typical of cryptocurrency wallets such as Venom, while individual functionality may differ according to upgrades and versions.

  • Support for Multiple Currencies: The wallet certainly allows users to store and manage different digital assets from within the same interface by supporting a number of cryptocurrencies.
  • Integration with Exchanges: With the wallet users to trade digital assets straight from the wallet interface through integration with cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Market Data: Venom Wallet incorporates market information, enabling users to track cryptocurrency movements and prices right from the app.
  • Compatibility: The wallet most likely works with a range of platforms and gadgets, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones running a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
  • User-Friendly Interface: For simple managing assets and navigation, an interface with high usability is essential. Transacting, receiving, and managing cryptocurrency is probably made easier for users of Venom because of its user-friendly design.

Steps to Download Venom Wallet Extension

To download and install the Venom Wallet Chrome Extension, follow these simple steps: 

  • Firstly, launch the Google Chrome browser or visit the Venom Wallet website and select the Chrome option.
  • Then, locate the Venom Wallet Add-on and select the Chrome Add to Chrome option.
  • Next, to confirm, hit the Add Extension option and wait for the installation’s confirmation.
  • Now, use the Chrome Extensions menu to open the addon and start effortlessly handling cryptocurrency with the wallet.

How to Create an Account with Venom Wallet?

To utilize the Venom Blockchain, you should set up a wallet account. The wallet provides several kinds of accounts, like personal accounts and multisign accounts for corporate utilization. To set up a new account, the user can download the Venom Wallet Browser Extension or install the mobile app for iOS or Android devices.    

Here are the step-by-step instructions for creating a new account, confirming it is secured with the mnemonic phrase and password. 

  • First of all, you should launch Venom Wallet Extension or you can open the mobile app. 
  • Select the Create A New Account option under the wallet setup. 
  • Then, go through the decentralized terms & conditions, and choose the I accept option. Hit the Submit tab. 
  • Next, you will see a unique recovery phrase on the screen. Once the recovery phrase is generated, it’s essential to keep it in a secure place and not share it with anyone as it 
  • Hit the Copy tab to transfer the seed phrase to your device, and save it by writing it down on a paper and keeping it in a safe location. Once done, choose the I wrote it down on paper option. 
  • Now, input your recovery seed phrase and tap the Confirm button to validate that you have correctly saved your recovery phrase. 
  • After this, set up a new password to protect your wallet transactions. Your password should be at least eight characters long and consist of a combination of lowercase and uppercase numbers, letters, and unique characters. 
  • Next, confirm the password by writing it twice and tap the Create a Wallet tab.
  • That’s all; your Venom Wallet is ready to begin the digital asset trade. 

Guide to Access The Venom Wallet Extension using the Seed Phrase

To get into your wallet account, you must use the distinctive recovery phrase as a key. This validation method is a more safe and infeasible way to retrieve your account. 

  • Open the Venom Wallet Extension or app and choose the Sign In option. 
  • On the sign-in page, you should input the distinctive series of words from the recovery phrase, in the right sequence. The interface lets you transact the complete phrase automatically with one tap, by pasting it into the required field. 
  • After providing the recovery phrase, specify the password that you have generated during the account creation process to ensure actions in the wallet. 
  • Once done, you will be able to retrieve your wallet and start performing transactions. 

How to Recover The Venom Wallet Seed Phrase?

In case you forget your secret seed phrase, you can recover it via the .json file backup that has been kept on your device to access the account. 

  • To begin, open the Venom Wallet Chrome Extension or mobile app. 
  • Next, you should choose the Recover From Backup option from the sign-in page. 
  • Then, the dialog window will open up on your screen, and choose your generated .json file from the PC. Hit the Open tab. 
  • After importing the .json file, the user’s recovery phrase will be populated and they will be signed into their wallet. 
  • Now, your wallet account is ready to perform different transactions. 


Venom Wallet provides an efficient cryptocurrency management solution. Setting a new standard for digital asset wallets, Venom Wallet prioritizes security, ease of use, and user empowerment. Venom Wallet offers the features and tools you need, regardless of your level of knowledge, to let you confidently explore the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies.